Saturday, 6 February 2016

There's An Endless Road to Rediscover

This is a pretty retrospective blog.  Being away from home over Christmas may have made me into a little bit of a scrooge as far as blogging was concerned.  Bahh Humbug...  

It may also explain the reason this song was resonating with me quite a bit while I was away, despite my lack of fandom for all things mainstream. 

A belated Merry Christmas everybody. Hug the ones you love :)   

Anyway Biloela is an interesting town...

 The staff at the hospital are an amazing team, I felt instantly welcome and I felt all warm and fuzzy when one of the ENs told me I'd slotted in so well.  More on that later.  

I was share housing with another agency midwife, we worked a lot of shifts together and despite my "shit magnetism" (nurses, y'all know what I'm talking about), we started calling ourselves the A Team - A for Agency, jeez I'm not that full of myself.  

We had a couple of days off together and stayed a couple of nights out at Cania Gorge.  Here's some photos I can't take credit for.  Courtesy of Sue and her incredible photography skills.  

The place we stayed was a lot of fun, the "Kookaburra Cabin was aptly named...

Being the terrible influence that I am, I convinced Sue to have some wine and cheese with me, this was her first alcoholic beverage in over 5 years.

One of the holiday park's free range chooks wanted a piece of wine and cheese action, well mainly the cheese and cracker in my other hand.  

The last day we were there we went out to Cania Dam. I love this one of the gorge and the dam wall.  

The rest of my free time in Bilo was spent split between Callide Dam and Tannum Sands.  

Over Christmas and New Year I was working nights.  And being statistically the worst time of year to be working in an Emergency Department, I had no idea what to expect.  
For those of you without a health care background - know this, if it has happened on Scrubs, you can be pretty sure it's based on reality.  

It didn't help that this is what I saw during my 30 second commute from the quarters. 

And to take the superstitious ridiculousness a little further.  I was convinced that the thousands, literally thousands, of bats we saw in the middle of the day on the way to Callide Dam was another bad omen.  
Because really, if the zombie apocolypse ever happens you can be damn sure it'll be caused by a frickin bat!

Despite all this, Christmas and New Years was incredibly quiet.  Just the one intoxicated person and a man worried his penis would drop off.  #nurselife

We even had a visit from Mr and Mrs Claus, who were BIBA

(BIBA = Brought In By Ambulance)

Long blog I know, but my final outing in Bilo was their scenic lookout...

 ...of the mine.

This was incredible. No, not the mine, but the fact there was a perfectly good view of the dam 10m in the other direction.  I'm still baffled.  

That's it for now, second Bilo installment to come soon!

Love to all xx

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